Royal Oak, MI - This is
a Filipino appetizer and soup from Little Tree Sushi Bar. The first picture is called
Lumpia, which you could get rolled in a noodle wrap or have it deep fried. I had it in the noodle wrap. It has pork and other veggies in it, which were made very well. It's not similar to the Vietnamese spring rolls that have mint leaves in them. I expected that, but was actually disappointed. The sauce is a very strong peanut flavor and in the end, it over-powers the flavor of the roll. Enjoy!
The second picture is the Sinigang Soup that comes with the dinner. It was very good, but not what I expected. For some reason, I was expecting a miso-like soup. However, it turned out to be much more vinegar'ish and citrus flavor. Different from what I've had before bout what I would be willing to have again. Enjoy!
Any new entries coming soon? :)
Sorry about that. Falling asleep!
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