Baton Rouge, LA - Sugar tooth? Oh yeah, this will do it. Down in Baton Rouge, settled by the French, they have some French influences, such as this, beignet. Oh man, you get powder sugar all over your face and it's worth every moment. Get a couple or a dozen if you get a chance! :) Enjoy!
nice, where is that?
It's was down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It's a very nice place if you've never been there. Let me know if you want the actual restaurant's name, I would have to get that from my sister-in-law.
The place was Coffee Call in Baton Rouge. It's kind of like a mini-Cafe Du Monde (http://www.cafedumonde.com/) in Baton Rouge. Both places have great cafe au laits and excellent beignets. These are must haves when visiting Baton Rouge or New Orleans :)
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