Blantyre, Malawi - Chambo at it's best. When I was walking around downtown, there is an open market that people sell various items. As I was
meandering through the market, I came across their "food court" if you will. Now, it's mainly little shacks were people fry up fish (
Chambo) or chips (fries). So, I found this one gentleman who fried up the fish you see. The size is about as big as my palm of my hand, so it's pretty small. It tastes very similar to fried smelt. It has very little meat, very crunchy, but tasty! He also gave me some salt to sprinkle onto the fish for more flavor, which also complimented the batter. I thought this was going to be pretty spicy, but it actually wasn't spicy at all. I was mostly worried about how long it was sitting out, but after I ate it, it was
ok. Enjoy!